Acceptable Use Policy


District network accounts will be used only by the authorized owner of the account for its authorized purpose. Network users shall respect the privacy of other users on the network. Network users must agree to the District guidelines for Internet use and follow all portions of this policy.


1. The following uses of the WASD network are prohibited:

2. Use of the network to facilitate illegal activity.
3. Use of the network for commercial or for-profit purposes.
4. Use of the network for non-District related work.
5. Use of the network for product advertisement, union solicitations and recruitment or political lobbying.
6. Use of the network for hate e-mail, discriminatory remarks and offensive or inflammatory communication.
7. Unauthorized or illegal installation, distribution, reproduction or use of copyrighted materials.[7]
8. Use of the network to access obscene, pornographic, lewd or otherwise illegal material, images or photographs.[Pol]
9. Use of inappropriate language or profanity on the network.
10. Use of the network to transmit material likely to be offensive or objectionable to recipients.
11. Use of the network to intentionally obtain or modify files, passwords and data belonging to other users.
12. Impersonation of another user.
13. Installation or use of unauthorized games, programs, files or other electronic media.
14. Use of the network to disrupt the work of other users.
15. Destruction, modification or abuse of network hardware and software.
16. Quoting personal communications in a public forum without the original author's prior consent.
17. Use of any data mining, bots, or similar data gathering and extraction methods in violation of any person's or entity's rights.