World Language
Course offerings:
Spanish I-AP Spanish Language and Culture
French I-AP French Language and Culture
Latin I-Latin V Honors
Level 1 of language is for students with little or no knowledge of the language. Students will be recommended to levels II and above by their teachers. Independent study is not an option for a World Language.
1 Credit
101A GRADE 8
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year
This course is designed to give the student a basic knowledge of the sounds, vocabulary, and sentence patterns of French. Students are assessed on the skills that they demonstrate in the four basic skills of communication: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Frequent interactive activities provide students with the opportunity to hear and imitate a variety of native speakers talking at normal speed. These activities, as well as paired speaking activities, help the student practice and improve listening and speaking proficiency. Daily class participation is essential to development of speaking proficiency and acceptable pronunciation. Communication takes place in both English and French and students are expected to use the target language with both teacher and classmates as much as possible. Writing practice reinforces the vocabulary and grammatical structures in activities including short answers, complete sentences, and brief personalized paragraphs. In addition, students are introduced to a number of reading strategies such as scanning for information and drawing inferences in reading selections.
The study of daily life in France and other Francophone countries is incorporated within the vocabulary and grammatical concepts of each unit. Identification of Francophone countries in relationship to their locations on a world map help students to see the impact of the French language and culture beyond the borders of France.
1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year
French Level II, like Level I, focuses on the development of the four skills of communication: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The course begins with a review of and builds upon basic vocabulary and structures introduced in French I; however, in French II, there is greater emphasis on self-expression, vocabulary building and use of French in speaking and writing. Frequent interactive activities, as well as paired activities, reinforce these skills. At this level, students’ progress from simple repetition to production and adaptation of new material as they are required to ask for and give information on a given topic.
In the French Level II course, students are presented with various writing strategies such as writing letters and narrative accounts. Reading practice continues by learning additional reading strategies such as note taking, interpreting graphs and charts, and recognizing word families. Communication takes place mostly in French, and students are expected to use the target language for communication with both the teacher and peers at their appropriate level. The cultural study of the Francophone culture continues with a focus on France. Upon completion of this course, students will have acquired a command of the key vocabulary and structures of fundamental French as well as an appreciation of the culture of French-speaking people.
1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year
French Level III continues the development of the four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with a large emphasis on speaking. Students are encouraged to experiment further with their use of the language and to apply prerequisite vocabulary and structures in more complex speaking activities; thus, all communication takes place in French. The course begins with a review of vocabulary and structures introduced in French II. New grammatical structures and verb tenses are introduced at this level, which are incorporated and practiced through frequent writing activities. Students will begin analyzing and interpreting French literature as well as current event articles to aid in learning about French culture and customs.
1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year
This course provides a foundation for advanced study of French. Students are asked to comprehend, discuss, and respond to questions on more challenging excerpts from Francophone literature. At this level, students are expected to synthesize and apply, in both speaking and writing, vocabulary and structures learned in previous years of study. It is the student’s willingness to use French as much as possible in interacting with the teacher and other students, as well as a student’s ability to work independently that will determine how relevant and productive this year’s learning experience will be. French is used in all classroom communication to discuss, evaluate, and reflect.
1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year
Advanced Placement courses are offered to prepare students for the Advanced Placement examination in May. Students who enroll in AP courses must pay for and take the standardized exam in May according to the College Board schedule. Participating universities and colleges may grant credit and/or appropriate course placement to students who have earned a qualifying score on the AP exam. For more detailed information about the Advanced Placement Program, please refer to the opening pages of the Program of Studies.
Advanced Placement Course in French language is a rigorous course designed to refine students’ listening, reading, writing and speaking skills so that they communicate fluently and accurately in French at an advanced level. Throughout the year, students will study advanced literature, sophisticated vocabulary, and advanced grammatical structures. The instructor will present the material in a manner that reinforces the techniques employed in the Advanced Placement examination. For further preparation, students will take practice examinations as well as learn strategies to be used when taking the examination. Candidates for the Advanced Placement Course in French must have completed Honors French IV as a prerequisite.
1 Credit
111A GRADE 7 or 8
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year
Spanish I is designed for students who have no prior experience with Spanish. Emphasis is placed on the interpretation of written and spoken Spanish via stories and authentic resources. Only 7th Graders enrolled in Spanish I are eligible to advance to Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish Language and Culture their senior year.
1 Credit
112A GRADE 8
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year
Spanish II is designed for students who have successfully completed Spanish I. This course continues to build upon the basic skills developed in Spanish I with a major focus on developing communicative skills and cultural understanding. The class is conducted primarily in Spanish and students are expected to use level-appropriate language with the teacher. Prerequisite: Spanish I
1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year
Spanish III is designed for students who have successfully completed Spanish I and II. In this course, greater emphasis is placed on grammar, communicative skills, self-expression, interpretation of authentic written/audio texts and cultural understanding. Students move away from using simple, memorized phrases toward the production of spontaneous communication. The class is conducted primarily in Spanish and students are expected to use level-appropriate Spanish with both the teacher and their peers. Prerequisite: Spanish II
1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year
Spanish IV Honors is designed for motivated students who have achieved an A or B in Spanish III. In this course, greater emphasis is placed on developing more complex communicative skills, interpreting authentic written/audio texts and comparing the cultural practices, perspectives and products of the Spanish-speaking world with those of their own culture. Students are expected to be self-motivated to complete work independently outside of the classroom. The class is conducted in Spanish and students are expected to be able to express ideas coherently and spontaneously in Spanish with both the teacher and their peers. Spanish IV students who maintain a B average or higher are eligible for induction into the National Spanish Honor Society. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish III with a final grade of an A or B. Spanish IV Honors is a required course in the sequence of study.
1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year
Spanish V Honors is designed for highly motivated students who have achieved an A or B in Spanish IV Honors. In this course, students further develop their communicative skills and understanding of the products, practices, and perspectives of the target cultures and more intensely make linguistic and cultural comparisons, while touching on each theme of the AP Spanish Language Curriculum Framework. Active participation is essential in this collaborative, student-driven environment. The class is conducted entirely in Spanish and students are expected to be able to express ideas coherently and spontaneously at length in Spanish with both the teacher and their peers. Spanish V students who maintain a B average or higher are eligible for induction into the National Spanish Honor Society. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish IV Honors with a final grade of an A or B. Spanish V Honors is a required course in the sequence of study.
1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year
Advanced Placement courses are offered to prepare students for the Advanced Placement examination in May. Students who enroll in AP courses must pay for and take the standardized exam in May according to the College Board schedule. Participating universities and colleges may grant credit and/or appropriate course placement to students who have earned a qualifying score on the AP exam. For more detailed information about the Advanced Placement Program, please refer to the opening pages of the Program of Studies.
The Advanced Placement Spanish Language and Culture Course is the sixth year of Spanish. In this rigorous course, students will delve into the recommended contexts for the six global themes with the use of the text Temas AP Spanish Language and Culture and the worktext AP Spanish: Language and Culture Exam Preparation to communicate as stated in the AP Spanish Language and Culture Curriculum Framework to “demonstrate an understanding of the culture(s), incorporate interdisciplinary topics (Connections), make comparisons between the native language and the target language and between cultures (Comparisons), and use the target language in real-life settings (Communities). Students are required to engage in real-life activities outside of the classroom to enrich their language and culture experiences. Pre-requisite: Successful completion of Spanish V Honors with a final grade of an A or B.
1 Credit
116A GRADE 8
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year
Latin I gives the students an introduction to the language of the ancient Romans. The course consists of learning noun declensions, verb conjugations, and the basic syntax associated with the classical language. Whenever possible, Latin’s relationship to the English language is explored through sentence construction as well as vocabulary study. Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes as well as Latin expressions and abbreviations are stressed and noted for their influence on both the English language and American culture. In addition, there are readings of Latin stories based upon the culture, history, and mythology of the Romans. To augment the students’ appreciation for the language, the classes enjoy films about Roman culture, myth, and legend. Finally, there are special emphases placed upon the influence of Latin on the legal and medical fields of study.
1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year
For the sake of reinforcement, Latin II begins with a brief review of the grammar covered in Latin I. The class then continues its study of grammar. The grammar includes pronouns as well as irregular and deponent verbs. There continues to be a strong emphasis on the study of Latin vocabulary, specifically words that commonly appear on the SAT and other standardized assessments. The students pursue more rigorous translation of stories based in Roman history and myth. A continuation of the study of legal and medical Latin material is conducted.
1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year
This course begins with an intense grammar review followed by more advanced grammar constructions. The class learns participles, gerunds, gerundives as well as the subjunctive mood. Students continue to study Latin vocabulary, history, mythology, and medical and legal Latin. The class also translates an anthology of writings from Roman authors in order to broaden their awareness of classical literature.
1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year
This is a course of more advanced literary study, focusing on Caesar’s De Bello Gallico, Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita, and Ovid’s Metamorphoses. The course aims to complete the study of Latin grammar. Grammar skills are perfected through the inclusion of grammar drills and review quizzes. Latin poetry is introduced with an emphasis on scansion, style, and literary interpretation. The class pursues a more advanced approach to the study of historical and mythological concepts. Finally, the study of the influence of Latin on law and medicine continues.
1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year
In Latin level V, the class researches the background information behind and then translates Virgil’s Aeneid. Grammar skills continue to be kept sharp through the inclusion of drills and grammar review quizzes. The students’ vocabulary skills are strengthened through intensive drilling of old vocabulary as well as a focus upon the vocabulary found in Virgil’s Aeneid. For the sake of honing their translating skills, the students write English sentences into Latin. Finally, the class is introduced to the study of Medieval Latin.