March 27, 2020

March 26, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope this communication finds everyone safe, healthy, and well. This message contains updated information based on the direction we have received from the Governor’s Office, the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the plans made by WASD to move forward. We will continue to closely monitor available information and share frequent updates. Thank you to our students, employees, parents/guardians and community members for working together through this challenging issue. Our ongoing teamwork is essential to help us continue to serve our students. Below is a list of updated information for all students and parents of Wyomissing Area Jr/Sr. High School. More updates will follow as future details and direction are available from the Governor’s Office.

• Students are expected to check email and Schoology daily; instruction of new content will begin on Monday, March 30, 2020.
• Teachers will post new content a minimum of 3 days per week. Some assignments will count for completion while others will be graded. As students and staff gain familiarity with virtual instruction, we expect some of these learning experiences will utilize audio and visual
• Teachers will be available virtually from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, during which time they will be available to communicate with students via email.
• Marking period 3 will be extended until further notice and will depend on the length of the school closure.
• On-line instruction will be in session on April 6, 7, 8, and 13, which were previously designated as snow make-up days.
• The 2019-20 school year remains scheduled to end on June 5, 2020.
• Remember to make a point daily to be physically active, be helpful around your home, be safe, and be a great brother or sister and son or daughter!

Technology Support:
Our Technology Staff is currently focused on distributing devices to families without technology resources while implementing several new platforms to enhance remote learning. Hyperlinks to frequently used online applications can be found at the following URL: While providing student support will be challenging, the Technology Staff will be available at [email protected]. We will make our best effort to provide assistance and support virtual instruction.

Special Education:
If your child receives special education services, you will be contacted by their special education case manager and/or special education teacher. The special education department will be providing your child with some, if not all, of their specially designed instruction and related services. This instruction will be developed on an individualized basis and will be communicated to you within the next week.
Thank you and be well,

Dr. Jones
Wyomissing Area Jr./Sr. High School