April 24, 2020

Dear Wyomissing Area JSHS Parents/Guardians
Good afternoon Wyomissing Area families, I hope this message finds everyone healthy, safe, and well.  As all Pennsylvania schools remain closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year, we will continue to move forward with on-line instruction, communicate all updates as we receive them, and work in collaboration with our students and staff in an effort to best support them.
Instruction Update:

All students are expected to log on to Schoology and check their WASD emails every day and communicate with their teachers when necessary. All teachers will continue to post resources and assignments to Schoology at least three days per week.

·      Teachers will continue to be available between the hours of 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. for our students to contact them with any questions. 

·      The end of the third marking period will be Thursday, April 30, 2020.

·      Email  [email protected] to submit a help request to the technology department.

·      The 3rd marking period ends on April 30 and work cannot be submitted for points after this date.  Please get all of your assignments in on time and stay current with your schoolwork.  

·      Despite the school closure, it is our responsibility and expectation that every student participates in learning and instruction from now through the end of the school year on June 5, 2020.  All assignments will count toward your final grades for the 3rd and 4th marking periods and are expected to be completed.

Student Assistance Program (SAP):

·      The SAP team continues to provide services virtually at this time. We are available to help students and families cope in healthy ways with the stresses imposed by the coronavirus. Please contact one of the guidance counselors or school nurses to discuss your concerns. We can offer both individual evaluations and group sessions to meet your needs.

SAT/ACT Update:

·       College Board is working to ensure that students will have opportunities to take the SAT® to make up for this spring’s lost administrations. Today they released that they added a new SAT administration for Saturday, September 26, 2020. This date will be for the SAT only, in the United States and internationally, with no SAT Subject Tests™ available. Sunday testing for religious reasons will be on September 27th.

·       Registration for the 2020-21 SAT administrations will open the week of May 26th. At that point, June registrants will be able to transfer their seat to a 2020-21 administration. All other students in the high school class of 2021 who don't have SAT scores will also have early access to register for the August, September, and October administrations. This includes students who had registered for March or May and had their registrations cancelled and refunded.

·       If you have further questions, call College Board Customer Service at 866-756-7346, and for more information about future SAT tests, click this link: https://pages.collegeboard.org/sat-covid-19-updates


·      Attention any college bound senior athlete: we are gathering information to participate in this year’s “Signing Day”.  Please email Mr. Ferrandino at [email protected] with your interest in participating by Thursday, April 30th.

·      Class of 2020 Varsity Letters: Members of the Class of 2020 who would like to request their varsity letters and pins should email Mrs. Auman at [email protected] by April 30th.  Pick-up times and locations of Varsity Letters will be forthcoming.

Parking Permits:

·      Attention all juniors…your parking permit applications for next school year will be posted on the junior Schoology page.  These applications can be completed and emailed to Mrs. Duquette at [email protected].  We understand not all students will have the ability to scan and return a parent signed application, so you will have to check the box indicating that you spoke with your parents and were granted their permission to apply for a permit.  We will keep all permit applications on file should any parents want to check on the status of their son’s/daughter’s parking permit.

Kindergarten Registration

·      We are excited to begin registration for kindergarten students in the Wyomissing Area School District for the 2020-2021 school year!  To ease this process, we will be offering online registration utilizing our NEW Student Information System PowerSchool.  To begin the online registration process please visit:  


·      Please note that you can register your student online and submit the required forms at a later date - prior to the start of the 2020-2021 school year.  When Governor Wolf provides direction on lifting COVID-19 restrictions and re-opening schools additional information on Orientation will follow.


·      We will continue to serve meals at all three buildings on Mondays (for Monday and Tuesday) and Wednesdays (for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday).  Come see us at any of our three buildings between 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.; we love to see our students.

Wyo Area Drama

·      The Wyomissing Area High School Drama Club is proud to present a free live-stream concert tomorrow evening on Facebook at 8:00 p.m.  Dedicated to the WyoDrama Class of 2020, the club hopes to remind our greater Wyomissing Area community that throughout this pandemic: “No One Is Alone.”  Visit Facebook.com/wyodrama to join us for this wonderful event, and thank you for supporting the arts at Wyomissing Area!

Additional Information: 

·      Please visit our District website for all past communications, helpful links, and community resources at the following link: https://www.wyoarea.org/departments/health_services/coronavirus

Thank you all and be well.

Dr. Jones